Compulsory Question 1

Hello everyone, on today's blog, I am pleased to showcase you all my Compulsory Question 1 

Compulsory Question 1 by Jonathan Alvarez on Prezi Next


Hello, My name is Jonathan Alvarez, my center number is US154. Today I will be answering compulsory question 1. This is for my AICE Media studies Cambridge AS level course. Compulsory question one asks how does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues.

My magazine seeks the conventional aspects and guidelines of standard magazines which include; a masthead, cover lines, tagline, cover image, and bar-code. I aspired on attempting to mimic the conventional features of the photography magazine Outdoor Photography, Outdoor Landscape..., Inside Wedding, Corporate America, and View.

Cover Page Conventions - The most crucial section in my magazine's cover is its masthead which is showcased with the biggest font in order to capture the most attention from the viewers towards the cover page. On top of my masthead, the tagline can be appreciated. It gives an insight of what my magazine will mainly cover. I have Cover Lines, used to give a brief idea of what the magazine's content is.

Cover Page Conventions - Part 2 - My magazine cover page includes its respective cover image according to its respective issue and features/topics. In this case, flowers. My magazine also includes a bar-code on the lower-left corner in order to give it assonance to the cover picture hence it is a place with not so much interference.

Contents Page Conventions - For the Contents Page I adhered 5 images of a variety of subjects like portraits,  landscapes, animals, and mainly inspired by flowers. Each image has an equal number like the one that appears on their respective headlines. The magazine's content page includes the Issue number/date, Name of magazine, heading typed in notorious fonts next to their respective page number where they can be found within the magazine. To make things easier, I also included subheadings giving brief information of what each heading means/contains.

Representation of Social Groups or Issues - My magazine provides different accounts from photographer's lives as they evolved to be who they are along with their growing passion for photography. Not just that, but it also provides different pieces of information towards technical aspects in photography such as composition and values. 

Due to the simplicity and the storytelling features related to photography, my magazine is focused on anyone from any social class interested in photography and its aspects on top of just enjoying the visuals. As for this issue, its focus is to encourage those that are starting photography and or doing photography to keep on doing it and seek new goals in their journey as a photo enthusiastic.


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