House Style Ideology for Magazines


Have you ever thought of a House Style being compared to a magazine before? Me neither, that is why we are here right now. 

If you come to think of them as one, a house style can be easily compared to a magazine, they both need a blueprint, a front and back face, a guide of its content, attractive colors, and they both have to be found useful or at least interesting according to the customer's desires and needs. So, from now on, I want you to think about "House Style" and "Magazine" as if they were one. That being said...

From what I know, a house style is developed having the mentioned factors and many others like the budget, possible incomes, and expenses to be made. It is used in order to provide a place for the customer according to the different types of potential buyers. The different types of house styles are used to lure this variety or a specific type of purchaser which will or not be influenced depending on the type of blueprint (genre) of the house's specifics such as it being big, small, amount of rooms (chapters or topics). Not only this, but these houses have to also obtain a specific purpose which will lead them into a specific category of customers that are also interested in this house style's purpose since someone that looks for a house to just live on it might want something little, but if the customer instead wants an extensive house style with many different or specific topics with sub-topics for a specific matter, he or she will be more likely to go to a house style that meets their requirements (purpose).

After doing this quick ideology, I have come to think of magazines as something more than just paper with colorful images. It is now, for me, like an art room where I get hit by inspiration of any kind from the very moment I get into it. 

Standing Man Wearing Gray Hoodie in Front of Magazine in Rack - By Bagus Pangestu from Pexels
Narrow residential houses in Victorian style - By Helena Lopes from Pexels


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