Magazines' Research

Hi, this is me, (again) Jonathan on the other side of your screen. Today, I am going to go over a little research on some of the different genres of magazines there is.

How many magazines do you know? Usually, many will mention the most common ones, while, others will be believing they’re giving a magazine name when it could be a newspaper brand name instead. Me, for instance, did not know any names of any sort of magazine! Being able to analyze my magazine “Popular Science” helps me understand what a magazine really is. It let me explore the similarities and differences one magazine brand could have throughout the years and how they capture people's attention which the little details, pictures, and information they add to it. This project was the reason for the development of my 3 main topics: fashion, food, and/or photography. The reason for it is because I was able to view different genres from all the different groups, sadly, I was not able to see more! 

Moreover, why those three genres from all the rest, you would say? As you may assume from my previous posts where the images are my own work, I love photography! I enjoy playing or viewing the vast amount of pictures created at any day or time, therefore, for the other two is because I enjoy exploring and tasting new flavors. Not just that, but as a plus, it gives a way to bond with family, friends, and many others. Last but not least, the reason why I am also contemplating fashion is the variety of colors, and the way it has changed throughout the generations. 

Nowadays, people of all age tend to show more skin than our great-grandmother or relatives ever did, although, it doesn't mean that their style of clothes wasn't as "cute" as it is now. So, it's just difficult to pick, for the fact that each and every one of these genres is my daily interest. When viewing the magazines, I came across to see how some magazine gave the main attention and what they will be speaking about on their front page, how they gave more of a focus to the images throughout the magazine than the information, and how most things were well organized with little details and not just pure information which could help a lot when it comes to sports or fashion genres, but if it were to be cooking then I would have to put little captions that people think and feel when they eat food that satisfies them. However, I disliked the warm dark colors in some magazines because I feel and felt like it will bring individuals down and lower the chance of catching the readers' attention. 

If I were to change that with my 3 main genres it would be for the photography genre, I'll have it occur in the morning or at any time during daylight hence night photography is harder to process and produce. If it were to be fashion then there would be NO black, and if it's cooking then it could have any positive colors, for instance, have models eat the food while having a picnic outside. 

Sources - 

Person Holding Clear Footed Glass Filled With Yellow Liquid By Terricks Noah from Pexels

Shattering Glass photo by Me. 


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