Reflection on Syllabus
Hi, this is me, (again) Jonathan on the other side of your screen. Today, I am going to go over a quick reflection on the Syllabus for this class (AICE Media Studies). This class has many objectives to look forward to, but, I am more interested in looking forward to the details that come with the aims; "appreciate and engage with a variety of global and local media texts", "enjoy and appreciate the media, and its role in their daily lives", and explore production processes, technologies and contexts". The reasons for this is because I found that engaging with local and global would be a very interactive way to maintain myself informed on the news going around my area and the world itself, not only this but finding out how the media's role affects the actual lifestyle of many individuals is just a new way to get different perspectives on how easily persuaded humans can be. On top of that, exploring the production process is within my general interest since I happen to be a photography lover.
Now, what makes me nervous about this course is its requirements to; "explore the impact of media within a variety of cultures and how this influences social values", "develop independence in research skills and their application" and have "a greater depths as well as breadth of subject knowledge" because this will most likely imply the idea of essays discussing such matter, doing analysis on data and correlation between topics that I might not be interested in, at all and so my knowledge of them would be little and sho it will be harder for me to talk and introduce them into a media blog.
All of these requirements have faced me before (at least to a certain extend) in my AICE Travel and Tourism course where I had to look for media resources and their effect on tourism. Nevertheless, I have accepted this new challenge and so I am willing to follow this path to reach success as if it was the straight path you follow to reach a pier's ending.
All in all, I hope to gain confidence in myself's application of knowledge and introduction of it on media forms or even discussions face-to-face with anybody.
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