My House Style = My Magazine

Hi everybody, for today's blog, I will discuss one of my previous ideas about the ideology of House Styles and Magazines. This time will be more focused since it is now about which house style could benefit my magazine the most. I hope you enjoy it.

First of all, my magazine. What is my magazine going to be about? For that, I have not fully decided it yet, but the idea of at least starting to develop a photography magazine like Aperture, Outdoor Photographer, or Shutter, really excites me. So, for now, I will pretend as if doing a photography magazine is set in stone for me. 

 And with that same stone, I will build my house style starting from its base. It will have to obviously be based on an adventurous or joyful genre, able to entertain and catch the eyes of the neighbors. It will have to have a wide variety of topics going from portraits, landscapes, minimalistic, abstract, angle views, panoramic, etc. In the end, it will have anything that a photography lover would enjoy to see in order to get inspiration for their own photos or just for pure entertainment. 

To keep this audience entertained, I think it should be short (small), filled with pictures and their authors, their author's given meaning, inspirations, and if possible the before the shot processes they went through in order to get them. This will happen If I get to have people contributing me with their pictures, otherwise, I will have to provide my own pictures, to which I cannot agree more since I love photography even though it can be stressful sometimes. 


Aperture "Native America" - Aperture 240 - Aperture

Milky Way picture from an Outdoor Photographer Magazines Article - How To Photograph the Milky Way - Panoramas - Outdoor Photographer


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