Using Composition - Part 2

Using Composition - Part 2

Hi everybody!!! It's me, again, I am glad to have you around one more time. Today, we are going to continue exploring some rules of composition with their meanings, and a quick review of their relevance within the picture. We have already covered Framing and Rule of Thirds so let's continue with this picture I took quite a while ago as an example of...

Depth of field- deep and shallow. 

Depth of field - shallow
Depth of field - deep

The depth of field-deep and shallow implies the idea of how much blurriness is presented in a picture's subject(s). This blurriness, when is in the closer object, is shallow, and when it is in the background subject(s) is deep. This composition is used to achieve higher attention on the object with no blur on itThis may also result to have the opposite reaction since some audience focuses more on attempting to figure out what the blurred subjects are. 
The meaning of this image (s) could be said to be that, the sun is always going to shine after darkness.  

And lastly, the Focus Pullsthis composition method is greatly appreciated on shots changing their focused subject into another one that could be; farther, closer, next to, adjacent, etc, to the previous subject in focus. This is done to achieve a higher emphasis on the importance given to the subjects being presented as they might be having a dialogue. Not only this, but this is also used in order to compare or contrast the presented subjects of an image. 

From far...
to close depth of field.

The meaning of this image could be interpreted as to have hope on always coming back home where those who you love will be waiting for you.

Side note - Shown pictures belong to my persona as I am their creator. 


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