Aim of Magazine

 Aim of Magazine

Hello humans! I am glad we get to meet each other again, I mean... I am glad we got to meet each other since I do not know you because I am from outer space. Now, let's focus on today's topic, the aims of my magazine...

As stated, it will be "My Magazine, My Content" and with this, I don't mean to be completely new on everything I make since it is just impossible to do for any human being. What I mean by it, is that my magazine will have all the discussed traits in my previous post "My House Style = My Magazine" arranged, based, and made by me or contributors (meaning donated pictures) but, it will be highly inspired by the setup that "Outdoor Photographer" magazine has. 

The photography magazine that I envision has to be a splash of feelings, messages, entertainment, or all of them together when it is opened. I want it to convey something to the audience, to connect with them, to engage them into reading/visualize it every time it is posted. 

For that, I plan to have minimalistic or abstract backgrounds on its pages. These backgrounds will have to enhance the mood, or idea needed to be expressed by the picture presented in such page/s. Not only that, but the fond will have to be eligible and easy to read for a smooth reading flow.


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