Women and Media Representation


Hi, my fellow... fellow? Sorry, I meant.. humans, yes, that. Humans!!! I hope you all are having a great day. Again, thank you for passing by. In today's blog, we are going to dive into some ways in which women are represented in media. How media sources showcase them as immaculate beings with no flaws and cater them towards beauty enhancements along with diets for better shape, etc. 

Women in media are, most of the time, shown with perfect profiles, flawless skin, perfect curves, and shocking stylish attires. or in the opposite case, with little, to almost no attires, taking advantage of their hard-to-believe body shapes. Not just that, but because women are understood as beauty lovers, the majority of the media catered for them attempts to be aesthetically pleasing. Having, nice, soft, or contrasting colors with unharmful things on its visuals.

On the other hand, women in media are usually represented and alluded to by the usage of kitchen utensils and home decorations along with baby-related topics. This is because of their almost inherited but not always present, future role as a mother. With this, women are represented as; individuals of unbelievable beauty lured to and attracted to anything that has beauty or happens to be a beauty enhancement or motherly related topics along with its roles. 

This topic was of use for my magazine idea because it enhanced my knowledge ad understanding of how to correlate and attempt to lure more audience for my photography magazine since I now know what kind of colors, textures, and visuals I could start considering to include in my project. 

Woman Sitting Near Magazine Stand · Free Stock Photo


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