Compulsory Question 2

 Hello humans!!! On today's blog, I am going to share with you all a piece of my benevolence and show you the results of my Compulsory Question 2 

Compulsory Question 2 by Jonathan Alvarez on Prezi Next


Hello, welcome back, my name is Jonathan Alvarez, and this is for my AICE Media Studies Cambridge AS level course, my center number is US154. Today I will be answering compulsory question 2. 

Compulsory question 2 asks “How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text.

Audience - I want this magazine to be for those opportunistic photo lovers that happen to appreciate the art and beauty that lays upon their eyes as they walk their every-day life. Since is art, I consider my magazine to have no respective audience hence everyone can enjoy it but I do consider that for this art to be actually appreciated, the audience enjoying it has to hold certain developed maturity and judgment usually found from those age 16 and up.

Due to the different manners in which my magazine can be appreciated, the audiences vary from an all-inclusive audience enjoying art, to a judgmental and critical audience aged 16 and up.

The minimalistic aspects of my magazine make it easier to read hence its topics are neutral, enjoyable, and informative, all audiences are welcomed. On top of that, no actual middle, upper or lower class is aimed to but is considerably more appeal-able to photography-lovers or anyone with interest in the world of photography. 

Distribution - When it comes to the methodology for my magazine's distribution, I have planned on spreading its issues through many online locations like Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, iBook, and even its own website where the customers could buy their online version of the monthly issue or order a physical copy of it that would get delivered to respective addresses as the buyer demands. Not just that, But I would also create its own social media account on Facebook, and Instagram hence these social mediums are, nowadays, the most effective way to acquire recognition and audience's interest.


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