Compulsory Question 3

Hello everyone!!! I hope you all are having a fantastic day. On today's blog, I will show you all the finishing aspects of my Compulsory Question 3


Hello, welcome back, my name is Jonathan Alvarez, and today I will be answering compulsory question 3. This is for my AICE Media Studies Cambridge AS Level course; my center number is US154.

Compulsory Question 3 asks “How does your production skills develop throughout this project"

Response - At the start of this project, my expertise in written material and my production skills were somehow developed. throughout the past eight months of making my magazine and posting blogs concerning the process, my production skills have developed and improved a lot. I used to be ready to explore and observe mistreatment planning tools. I used to be able to expand my experience and find out how to navigate through totally different software corresponding to Photoshop and Canva.

Preliminary Task - The preliminary tasks were useful within the method of developing my magazine and this offered me the chance to experiment implementing totally different camera shots, layout, and redaction techniques. The preliminary tasks allowed me at the time to spot my areas of weakness and what I required to figure on for my final product. In retrospect, within my preliminary tasks and my end result I could identify not solely the progress of production but also its improvement. In my preliminary I struggled with pictures, they lacked depth and focus, but with the utilization of moldboards and examples from alternative magazines, I managed to be ready to gather my plan along and project them onto my photos and my magazine.

Cover Page – Preliminary Cover Page vs. Final Cover Page - When comparing my preliminary cover page versus my final cover page my preliminary cover lacked skills and dimension, I also struggled a lot with editing. On the Final cover page, the image is clearer, and the editing techniques and dimensions were better. While the Cover page of my Preliminary Task lacked basic convention, the final cover page includes taglines, more than 3 cover lines, and more sophisticated dividers and techniques. While both Covers include a Masthead the design is different and it shows the progress, The Preliminary Masthead doesn’t really stand out, the white color blends and the font is similar to the one used in one of the covers lines. On the other hand, the masthead of my preliminary task lacked focus and impact while the one on my final cover page stands out more not only because of the thoughtful usage of colors within the cover image, but it also has the biggest font in the entire page, the subheadings give it a special touch of brief information of the magazine's contents. Overall, the Final Magazine cover has a completely different appearance than the preliminary, while the preliminary looks were rather empty and definitely lacks technical aspects, the final one looks more professional and sophisticated.

Contents Page, Preliminary vs. Final - There is an add-up to the contrast between the contents page from my preliminary tasks and the ultimate contents page. One of the most important things I learned from my preliminary task that I connected to my Last Substance page was to require advantage of space. In my Preparatory Substance page, there is a parcel of space accessible, and it needs subheadings that will allow a little understanding of what the heading will cover and falls flat to seize the reader’s consideration. On the other hand, on the ultimate Substance page, I take full advantage of the space accessible, and I incorporate both Headings and Subheadings. I too took the opportunity of counting assist understanding into data almost access to the substance inside the magazine. One thing that too changed is the distinction in textual style styles and estimate utilized a more extensive assortment of textual styles on the Ultimate Substance page. Both the preparatory substance page and the ultimate included more than 4 photographs that are set in a particular lay labeling theirs possess category, with their highlight feature.

Production Schedule - One of the items that helped the foremost throughout my magazine process was a production schedule. When it came to organizing and completing my production tasks, it had been very easy to possess a production calendar, it not only allowed me to complete me to form sure I complete everything, but it also ensured I followed my deadlines. I took advantage of winter break and took all the photos I needed for my Contents Page and when school started copy in January, I create the calendar planning three months ahead. within the duration of these three months, I completed my magazine, wrote the feature, and took pictures for it, and that I also shot the over Image and edit it. During March I completed my entire magazine and had enough time to create the mandatory changes.


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