House Style Ideology for Magazines

Have you ever thought of a House Style being compared to a magazine before? Me neither, that is why we are here right now. If you come to think of them as one, a house style can be easily compared to a magazine, they both need a blueprint, a front and back face, a guide of its content, attractive colors, and they both have to be found useful or at least interesting according to the customer's desires and needs. So, from now on, I want you to think about "House Style" and "Magazine" as if they were one. That being said... From what I know, a house style is developed having the mentioned factors and many others like the budget, possible incomes, and expenses to be made. It is used in order to provide a place for the customer according to the different types of potential buyers. The different types of house styles are used to lure this variety or a specific type of purchaser which will or not be influenced depending on the type of blueprint (genre) of the house...