Preliminary's PRODUCT
Hi friends of mine, today is a beautiful day, I am about to get out of this jai... I mean, I am about to leave school and join this beautiful trip called; Winter Brake. But before that, I have to give you all the product of our work on this preliminary project of ours. With no more talking... are you ready? There you go, I do now have the pleasure to present to you my preliminary project for my magazine Your Photo. Your Style. For the Table of Contents, I decided on mixing up both of the examples I have shown you all on my previous blogs. To do so, I too the idea of putting the images on the right to put them at the left side along with a subtitle and subtle descriptions of what to expect from the pictures as the second example I had to show you did. I am really proud of how it looks and how I will make use of it. I hope you all like it too and with no more delay, I will let you go, be free, enjoy this break do you and enjoy other's company. I hope you have some lovely holid...